Friday, 5 April 2013

Building Growth Step by step

Building Growth Step by step

  American agricultural economist, Theodore William Schultz once said, “If you don't grow you die” this is as true as the sky is blue. DHL Retail East Africa believes in helping people grow and becoming there best. To do this, one must first organize their house be investing time into building systems that will do the work for them. When it comes to giving excuses, excuses can be endless:
  • “No one can do a job as good as you!”
  • “There isn’t enough time to systematize!”
  • “It only takes you minutes what it takes an employee an hour to do, and they still mess it up!”
However, luck of organization systematization may be the cause of luck of growth; one needs to first stop making excuses and start create growth.(Mike Michalowicz)

Here are six steps to take, right now, to create growth and become the best:
1. Start at the finish line. What do you want your customers to have? What can you do to customers absolutely enchanted? Once you know what they want and what will winner your customers, then you can get to work on building a system that delivers just that.

2. Map the big steps. Create an action plan. What will it take to get to the finish line you defined in Step 1? When planning, start at the finish line and working your way to the starting point. Alan Lakein said it best: “Failing to plan is planning to fail”

3. Divide and Conquer. Now that you know the major steps, break each one down into actionable pieces. In other words, what is required to reach your goals and targets? When you break down each step, make sure that the steps synchronization with the steps before and after.

4. Create checklists. Checklists have proven to be the most effective method of ensuring that all the correct steps get completed in the right order. If checklists are good enough for airline pilots and doctors, then they should be for you. Create checklists for each step you have defined.

5. Test and measure everything. You can't change what you don't measure, and you can't tell if a program or strategy is working if you are not faithfully testing, measuring and tracking your results.

6. Always improve. Once you have measurements and tested them, the fun part comes into play: improving by try new things. When understand that perfection does not exist, only improvement you will always find a way to improve.

Remember, in order to create growth and become the best you have to create a repeatable process that people can do and deliver identical result every time–especially when you are not there. Don’t try it or put for later, do it know and grow.

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